Pay for an order using a payment token. Make sure you read the Error Handling page as you will need to add some logic to handle a 3DS challenge for card based payments.
3DS may be required for several reasons including
required | object (Confirm3DSComplete1) When 3DS is required, a card based |
{- "Confirm3DSComplete": {
- "paymentTokenId": "ptkn_Z76k63z5t1MVFq9s",
- "threeDSResponse": {
- "threeDSAuthorisationId": "string"
}, - "authoriseOnly": true
{- "PayOrderComplete": {
- "transactionId": "tran_Z76k6Hz5t1MVFq9V",
- "transactionStatus": "accepted",
- "transactionDetails": {
- "purchaseDetails": {
- "orderId": "ordr_Z76k6Hz5t1MVFq9W",
- "merchantId": "mcht_Z76k6Hz5t1MVFq9S",
- "referenceOrderId": "ORD-12411",
- "amount": {
- "minorCurrencyUnits": 0,
- "currency": "AUD"
}, - "surchargeAmount": 0,
- "refundedAmount": 0,
- "merchantName": "string",
- "transactionId": "tran_Z76k6Hz5t1MVFq9V",
- "orderType": "online",
- "payType": "PayPlan",
- "description": "string",
- "orderMetadata": { },
- "status": "accepted",
- "refundIds": [
- "rfnd_Z76k6nz5t1MVFq9k"
], - "disputeId": "dispute_Z76k6Hz5t1MVFq9Z",
- "disputeIds": [
- "dispute_Z76k6Hz5t1MVFq9Z"
], - "paidOn": "2019-08-24",
- "availableOn": "2019-08-24",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "paymentMethod": {
- "paymentMethodType": "Card",
- "cardBrand": "string",
- "cardLast4": "string",
- "cardFunding": "string",
- "cardIssuer": "string",
- "cardExpiryDate": "string",
- "cardCountry": "string",
- "cardCVCVerificationPassed": true,
- "card3DSVerificationPassed": true,
- "info3DSVerification": "string",
- "walletType": "string",
- "outcome3ds": {
- "info": "string"
}, - "card3DSFlow": "string",
- "cardStatement": "string",
- "errorCode": "unexpected",
- "errorMessage": "string",
- "errorDetails": "string"
}, - "serviceFees": {
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "taxAmount": 0,
- "totalAmount": 0
}, - "customerDetails": {
- "customerId": "cust_Z76k6Hz5t1MVFq9T",
- "referenceCustomerId": "CUST-48822821",
- "customerName": "string",
- "customerEmailAddress": "",
- "customerPhoneNumber": "+61401234567"
}, - "timelines": [
- {
- "eventType": "PaymentSucceed",
- "eventTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "amount": 0,
- "identifier": "string"
}, - "amount": 0,
- "currency": "AUD",
- "surchargeAmount": 0,
- "payType": "payplan"