Create a new customer or update the details of an existing customer. For consumer customers, the email address and merchant identifier constitute the business key. For organisation customers, the customer reference id and the merchant identifier constitute the business key. If a record with the same business key already exists, then it is updated with the provided details, otherwise a new customer is added.
required | object (UpsertConsumerCustomer1) Consumer customers are individuals typically making purchases from the merchant via e-commerce websites.
They are uniquely identified by |
{- "UpsertConsumerCustomer": {
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+61401234567",
- "referenceCustomerId": "CUST-48822821",
- "givenName": "string",
- "middleName": "string",
- "familyName": "string",
- "isVerified": true,
- "metadata": { }
{- "customerId": "cust_Z76k6Hz5t1MVFq9T",
- "merchantId": "mcht_Z76k6Hz5t1MVFq9S"