Marketplace customers allow marketplaces to onboard their customers once and have them available over all their sub-merchants. To set up payments for these payments, generate the merchant customer for the relevant sub-merchant using Upsert Customer
required | object (UpsertConsumerMarketplaceCustomer1) Consumer marketplace customers represent individuals who will be making purchases from one or more sub-merchants
of the marketplace. They are uniquely identified by Alpha release - Consider this endpoint experimental and very likely to change in future. |
{- "UpsertConsumerMarketplaceCustomer": {
- "givenName": "string",
- "middleName": "string",
- "familyName": "string",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "isVerified": true,
- "phoneNumber": "+61401234567",
- "referenceCustomerId": "CUST-48822821",
- "metadata": { }
{- "ConsumerMarketplaceCustomer": {
- "marketplaceCustomerId": "mktpcust_Z76k6Xz5t1MVFq9i",
- "marketplaceId": "mktp_Z76k6Hz5t1MVFq9b",
- "givenName": "string",
- "middleName": "string",
- "familyName": "string",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "isVerified": true,
- "phoneNumber": "+61401234567",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "referenceCustomerId": "string"